maybe since having the feedback system now more people might have been reporting youMicrosoft banned my Xbox Live gamertag
UglyJackass isn't even offensive, well maybe to ugly jackasses but they asked for it, always bein such jackasses and not being very attractive.
yeah it's about the people reporting you. just change it and relax.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
[QUOTE=''GamingThief''][This message was deleted at the request of the original poster][/QUOTE]If your crafty and call and complain good enough you'll likely get a free year out some other amount of time for it. But I guarantee you'll still have to change your name. But the loyal customer bit and the time you spent with the tag and the outrage and blah blah. I've guilt tripped my way into free stuff all the time that way.
I don't talk trash since I don't use my mic and I don't cheat when I play.I don't quit games early unless my Xbox freezes or my line gets disconnected which happens once every blue moon. So the only reason that they could report me is havingthe name.I find it pathetic if a person reported me for having a name that doesn't even concern them.
[QUOTE=''UglyJackass''] I don't talk trash since I don't use my mic and I don't cheat when I play.I don't quit games early unless my Xbox freezes or my line gets disconnected which happens once every blue moon. So the only reason that they could report me is havingthe name.I find it pathetic if a person reported me for having a name that doesn't even concern them.[/QUOTE] change your gamertag to IAmAUglyJackass..maybe that helps. I think the word Ass is inappropiate for them
they are banning people that have a modded 360
[QUOTE=''killerfist'']change your gamertag to IAmAUglyJackass..maybe that helps. I think the word Ass is inappropiate for them[/QUOTE]It took them 5 years to decide the word ''ass'' or ''jackass''in my tag is inappropiate. They knew this when I created my account in 2002 and each year they took money out my bank account for the membership fee. They have to come up with a better reason than that.
[QUOTE=''UglyJackass''] [QUOTE=''killerfist'']change your gamertag to IAmAUglyJackass..maybe that helps. I think the word Ass is inappropiate for them[/QUOTE]It took them 5years to decide the word ''ass'' in my tag is inappropiate. They knew this when Icreated my account in 2002 and each year they took money out my bank account for the membership fee. They have to come up with a better reason than that.[/QUOTE] yeah stupid I know. call then and ask what its all about. maybe they ve made a mistake?
I called Xbox support to ask them why my tag name is no longer allowed online and the guy told me that I have been reported by players for having an offensive name. I asked him why would my gamertag get banned now after so many years of having it and having no problem until now. I asked him to transfer me to his supervisor so I could find out the exact reason. The support supervisor tells me that the system detected a offesive word in my gamertag, the word ''jackass.'' I asked him why the system is forcing me to make a new tag name after having it so many years and he tells me that they just recently updated system the which bans the word jackass. They were giving me a free gamertag change as compensation for this issue which I'm not happy about. I decided to make a new gamertag but with a the word ''jackass'' in it to see if they really banned the word. I first tried ''YouJackass'' and the system tells me that name is taken. I found this weird because I was told the word jackass is ban from Xbox Live. This is what I find really fishy, the system suggested a couple of gamertags with the word jackass, ''DullYouJackass'' and ''MintYouJackass.'' I tried another gamertag ''YouUglyJackass'' which people will find offensive than my original tag ''UglyJackass'' and the system tells it's me available. What the **** is going on here, if Mircosoft no longer allowed my name on Xbox Live because of the work ''jackass'' why would it suggest me new gamertags with the word jackass and I can even create a offensive name ''YouUglyJackass.'' I took pictures of my tv screen showing that the system is letting me make new tag names with the word ''jackass'' just to have it as proof so Microsoft wouldn't tell me I was lying.I called up Xbox support to give me an explanation why the system is forcing me to change my original name ''UglyJackass'' which I've had for many years but I can create a new tag with the word ''jackass.'' The tech support guy couldn't give me an explanation so he tried to cancel the force gamertag change on his computer so I can keep my name but he couldn't. He transferred meto his supervisor and after 10 minutes on hold, I got cut off. That aggravated me even more so I called again and I specifficaly asked for a supervisor right away. She put on me hold to get a supervisor and after 30 minutes of waiting, my phone cuts off! I call back again and I'm still waiting to talk to a supervisor. I'll post the outcome once I get through with my phone call.
[QUOTE=''UglyJackass'']I called Xbox support to ask them why my tag name is no longer allowed online and the guy told me that I have been reported by players for having an offensive name. I asked him why would my gamertag get banned now after so many years of having it and having no problem until now. I asked him to transfer me to his supervisor so I could find out the exact reason. The support supervisor tells me that the system detected a offesive word in my gamertag, the word ''jackass.'' I asked him why the system is forcing me to make a new tag name after having it so many years and he tells me that they just recently updated system the which bans the word jackass. They were giving me a free gamertag change as compensation for this issue which I'm not happy about. I decided to make a new gamertag but with a the word ''jackass'' in it to see if they really banned the word. I first tried ''YouJackass'' and the system tells me that name is taken. I found this weird because I was told the word jackass is ban from Xbox Live. This is what I find really fishy, the system suggested a couple of gamertags with the word jackass, ''DullYouJackass'' and ''MintYouJackass.'' I tried another gamertag ''YouUglyJackass'' which people will find offensive than my original tag ''UglyJackass'' and the system tells it's me available. What the **** is going on here, if Mircosoft no longer allowed my name on Xbox Live because of the work ''jackass'' why would it suggest me new gamertags with the word jackass and I can even create a offensive name ''YouUglyJackass.'' I took pictures of my tv screen showing that the system is letting me make new tag names with the word ''jackass'' just to have it as proof so Microsoft wouldn't tell me I was lying.I called up Xbox support to give me an explanation why the system is forcing me to change my original name ''UglyJackass'' which I've had for many years but I can create a new tag with the word ''jackass.'' The tech support guy couldn't give me an explanation so he tried to cancel the force gamertag change on his computer so I can keep my name but he couldn't. He transferred meto his supervisor and after 10 minutes on hold, I got cut off. That aggravated me even more so I called again and I specifficaly asked for a supervisor right away. She put on me hold to get a supervisor and after 30 minutes of waiting, my phone cuts off! I call back again and I'm still waiting to talk to a supervisor. I'll post the outcome once I get through with my phone call.
haha youuglyjackass :) thats comedy
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
This is actually pretty funny. But, I do think you are wasting a little too much time on this. Yeah, I know microsoft is wrong and w/e, but even if you do get to keep the name, who knows how long it will be before they force you to change it again. But anyway, good luck!
lol nice change on your name and i think that m$ is getting a little too cheap with that kinda stuff, i dont find that one as bad as the guy who i met whos gt was sister fister
dude relax, there letting you change it for free, get over it
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
[QUOTE=''fleasquire'']This is actually pretty funny. But, I do think you are wasting a little too much time on this. Yeah, I know microsoft is wrong and w/e, but even if you do get to keep the name, who knows how long it will be before they force you to change it again. But anyway, good luck![/QUOTE]I just got off the phone with Xbox support andthe supervisorsaid that I can use the ''YouUglyJackass'' gamertag but the system will still reject it from being able to go on Xbox Live because of the word ''jackass''. I told him if I create this gamertag and it lets me play online, I'm calling him back. Well, the Xbox support supervisoris wrong! I can sign on Xbox Live with my new and much more offensive screename YouUglyJackass!
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